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Race Report: 2024 Finals // Dry Hill
100 Races. This past weekend marked 100 NW Cup races for Scott and Casey, and in turn the final round of the 2024 season. On top of it there was no more fitting location than to have it at Dry Hill in Port Angeles, WA! It has been an amazing season, and the 450 riders at the finals prove that Dry Hill is the favorite place for our family to get together and have a blast.

Race Report: 2024 Race #6 // Snoqualmie Pass
26 years. That is how long it has been since there was a DH race at Snoqualmie pass. 1998, and Steve Peat won his first World Cup here. Now, the NW Cup has brough racing back to the pass, and wow was it some great racing!

Race Report: 2023 Race #2 // Port angeles
May 13th and 14th brought the NW Cup back to always sunny Port Angeles, WA and this weekend didn't disappoint with the weather. Mid 70s and sun all weekend was a drastic difference from the rain during round 1. With more than 500 riders again, great weather, great vibes, and the infamous Dry Hill there were smiles everywhere.

Race Report: 2023 Race #1 // Port angeles
It's the start of April and in the PNW that means there's light outside after a long day of work. It also means the start of the NW Cup race season! Mountain bike racers have been itching to compete since our finals in Port Angeles back in September, and the season opener did not disappoint. Over the winter NW Cup's very own Scott Tucker, with help from Luke Strobel and Matt Orlando, set out to give our racers a fresh-cut experience out at Dry Hill.