Dry Hill is the birthplace of the NW Cup, over 15 years ago. The trails and uniquely ideal layout provide a memorable experience for everyone. Located just outside of the seaside town of Port Angeles, WA, we enjoy nearly year-round riding with a plethora of trails to choose from.
The hill has trails for all skill levels, and we typically try to add a new line or two every year. They have been built and maintained by a dedicated group of volunteers for well over 20 years now, and the strong relationship with the Department of Natural Resources ensures that they’ll be there on into the future.
Parking is tight, pits are cozy and the campfire will be running all weekend at the finish line adding to the one-of-a-kind experience.
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Port Angeles
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While Poland took its fair share of round one talent overseas, a stacked cast took to the Northwest for perfect conditions at Dry Hill Bike Park. The second round of the NW Cup in Port Angeles delivered another solid weekend of downhill racing to remember with nearly 550 in the mix overall, and it was speed and style from top to bottom.